Monday, August 27, 2018

We get by with a little help from our friends (and family)

Going into the hike we expected to be pretty self sufficient once we got rolling. As we have moved in fits and starts and jumped around from place to place we have needed to ask for help, and rely on friends and family. That has introduced some fun, levity, storytelling and something to look forward to on the days we meet someone on the trail. 

The last few days hiking in our “backyard” along Falls Lake in Raleigh and into Durham has had a tremendous amount of variety in both scenery and trail companions.

Joined on the trail by friends Rob and Donna.

Sharing some stories wth thru-hiker Beerdra.

Catching a shuttle via pontoon boat with cousin Anne Marie and Chris and new friends Nicole and Brew.

And two very different crossings of the many fingers of Falls Lake:

We have now completed over 350 miles - about 1/3 of the Mountains to Sea Trail.


  1. Great, guys; so happy to know you're still going strong. We love keeping up with your adventures!
