Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Segment 5. Done.

With a final push of 15 miles through wind and rain, we completed the longest foot section for us on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail today. Segment 5 was 91 amazing miles along the Blue Ridge Parkway over 8 days with great weather until the last day. 

Throughout this journey, we’ve experienced numerous bouts of “trail magic.” And this segment happened to be full of it – from a random delivery of special salve for pain by Nancy in a pickup truck to befriending Tony, the manager of Park Vista Inn who treated us to breakfast while shuttling to a trailhead. 

We also had great campsites at Miller’s Campground and the Haislip’s property. And Theresa Haislip offered delicious homemade rolls. We are also grateful for the newly established backcountry sites since campsites are few and far between here. 

And through the morning mist and rain, we were delighted to find biscuits and coffee at the Trading Post, which made the final day much more tolerable. 

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